I Can’t Believe It Took This Long

David Fincher‘s Zodiac came out in theatres in 2007, and I cannot believe it’s taken me this long to want to watch it.  Fincher directed many of the great music videos from the 80s through the early 90s.  His first feature film, Se7en (1995), left an indelible mark on my young mind.  Though I’ve seen his other highly praised films when they came out in theatres or on home video, the desire to watch Zodiac never materialized until this afternoon.

All I’m going to say about it is that if you haven’t seen it yet, and you have enjoyed Fincher’s talent in wielding atmospheric and narrative tension, you should watch it at your earliest convenience.  There are a couple of references to how rare basements are in Californian homes that illustrate the extent that movie-watching is not a passive activity.


Pic cred: IMDB

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