Tag Archives: dogs

The Dog Chose Me

I’ve maintained for some time that dogs know I like cats just a bit more than I like them.   I don’t dislike dogs nor am I apathetic towards them.  I’m not scared of them either, but generally speaking, I like cats just a teensy bit more.  And, cats know it too.  When I’ve gone to pet adoption events at malls over the years, the dogs that do see me, see right through me, or acknowledge I’m taking up space but otherwise respond with the equivalent of “meh.”  In contrast, the cats will make and maintain eye contact even if they don’t meow at me or reach their paws out of their cages to attract my attention.

What I experienced today, however, has modified how I think dogs may perceive me…and certainly how one specific dog regarded me.  I was having coffee and catching up with a friend outside of a coffee shop when I noticed a couple walking a golden retriever.  The woman went inside for a beverage and the man took the dog to one of the tables outside near the door.  A few minutes later, the woman came out with her drink and joined the man and the dog; they continued on their way in the direction that my friend and I were sitting.

Just as they were about to pass me by, the dog slowed down.  The man asked her, “Do you want to say hello?”

The dog took a couple of steps closer to me, putting her face next to my arm on the arm rest.  I turned to her, never before having seen a golden retriever’s face that close.  “Well, hello,” I said as I pet and stroked her head.  I’ve had a few close encounters with white German shepherds before, but never have I ever gotten to touch a golden retriever until this afternoon.  I cannot fathom what it was about me that prompted her to investigate, but I was so honored.  Did I want a golden retriever after this experience?  Did that thought cross my mind?  Of course it did.  Will I do anything to make it a reality?  Non.

That is, unless a golden retriever chooses me again and in a way that I cannot redirect her to someone else.


Pic cred: Daniel Cano @danikno, unsplash