Monthly Archives: August 2021

Synchronization of Choreography

C’est merveilleux.  Ma grande prêtresse, elle est merveilleuse.  Lisa from BlackPink is putting out her first solo song a week after Labor Day.  Jennie was the first to do it, then Rose, not sure when Jisoo will get a go at it, but I am so excited for Lisa’s single.  In terms of the music itself, I may or may not be enraptured, but I know the dancing is going to be fantastic (unless the choreography is odd, though, Lisa strikes me as the kind of dancer who can make uninspired or bizarre dance moves look mesmerizingly esoteric). 

Je veux dire, observe the way she moves and the how she looks at the camera.  It feels as if she is looking at me, really, not just at the lens and thus, me:

Objectively, the synchronization of the dance moves in the top video captivates me more than the moves themselves.  I prefer choreography along these lines:

Dreamcatcher practicing:

The Kinjaz performing:

Just Jerk practicing:

And of course, ALiEN (I’ve posted this video before and I’m doing it again parce que je l’adore beaucoup):

Et oui, we must acknowledge the role of editing, lighting, camerawork, wardrobe, hair, makeup, and song selection in the multitude of reactions that these types of dance videos provoke in the viewer.  I realize as well that the vocabulary of all of these dances is similar, but the subtle differences in grammar and punctuation produces enough variation to facilitate a preference for these latter dance crews’ style.

Moreover, the same dance moves will look different depending on who is doing them.  Case in point.  ALiEN did the a choreography demo for the kpop girl-group Itzy.  The majority of the moves are the same, but the results are not.



Pendant le Weekend

C’est pas ce WeekendJe veux dire ce Weekend.



As conveyed in my review of her film The Photograph, I adore Stella Meghie‘s writing and filmmaking style.  I saw her film The Weekend (2018) on Amazon Prime a year ago and recently realized that I need to have it on DVD.  I’ve rewatched it twice in the last couple of days and am certain that this film will be one of those movies I rewatch on a quarterly basis.  Rather than try to articulate why Meghie’s film appeals to me so much, let me point you to Lorry Kikta‘s review of it for Film ThreatThe Weekend resonated with Lorry due to similar life experiences.  Although I can’t make that claim to the same extent, I firmly agree with Lorry’s observation that the dialogue “seem[s] exceptionally real, and the dynamic of all the actors seems lived in and not fictional…The Weekend explores all kinds of relationships dynamics in its’ rather short run time, and also manages to have some great cinematography and production design (courtesy of Kris Belchevski and Cindy Chao & Michele Yu respectively) to boot.”


Watch it, watch this movie today if you’d like to get out of your head for a bit, laugh a little, and without being in denial regarding the complexities of human interaction.

Des Nuages, Un Parapluie, et quoi d’autres

I used to take a lot of photos with disposable cameras, then a digital camera, and then my phone and share them via this blog, bookface, or emails.  But in the last many years, I haven’t felt the need or desire to take quite so many pictures of things I saw that I thought were cool or to document that I did this thing or I went to this place.  A few recent scattered rainstorms in the metro area have, however, compelled me to capture the moment.

I pulled over to the shoulder to take this one:

This photo was taken in a shopping center:

I happened to look over to the corner of the room the other night during sunset when I saw a rectangular swath of light shining on the handle of this samurai umbrella.  It looks like a tired and lonely samurai, doesn’t it?


I picked up the September 2021 issue of Military History Magazine and learned about flamethrowers in this interview that Dave Kindy did with Hershel Woodrow “Woody” Williams.  As of August 2021, he is “the last living World War II recipient of [the Medal of Honor]” (14).  Woody Williams relayed to Kindy that it took practice and trial and error to figure out how to use a flamethrower.  When the wind wasn’t blowing in the desired directions, it was highly likely if not certain that he’d lose his eyebrows on account of the flame.  He and his fellow Marines “used 82-octane gasoline in that thing, the same as [they] used in their jeeps and trucks” and because the nozzle sat on the hip, there was no way to aim it (14).

See the man talk about receiving the Medal of Honor:

Read more about him here.

Saving the Red Band Pacific Hawk Generation Flags

Also known as Saving Private Ryan (Steven Spielberg, 1998), The Thin Red Line (Terence Malick, 1998), Band of Brothers (2001), The Pacific (2010), Black Hawk Down (Ridley Scott, 2001), Generation Kill (2008), and…


Flags of Our Fathers (Clint Eastwood, 2006).


Ensemble casts, war films and TV series, so many actors poised for or in the middle of stardom.  How many have you seen and which are your favorites?

And I might as well throw in Memphis Belle (1990) and Hacksaw Ridge (2016) on account of the ensemble casts.

Pics creds: IMDB, Amazon