Daily Archives: July 24, 2021

Wrath of Man I wanted more Josh Hartnett and Andy Garcia

I’d wanted to see Wrath of Man (Guy Ritchie, 2021) when it came out earlier in the year but was unwilling to see it at a movie theatre, so I was thrilled to see it out on home video this week.  I’m an admirer of Jason Statham‘s work and Guy Ritchie as an auteur and assumed that I’d be charmed by the script and editing.


To my surprise, however, I ended up wanting more Josh Hartnett and Andy Garcia and feeling underwhelmed by the film’s final sequence.



The film’s closing was such a ho-hum experience that it inspired a poem.
Spoilers ahead, turn back now if you don’t want to know more or less what happens:

wrath of jason statham

it was a bit
of a let-down
the ending,
i mean,
you got what you wanted,
you got your man
but did it feel good?

those actions aren’t meant
to turn back time,
nobody intends
to bring back the dead –
not in this genre at least –
blood will be shed
property will be damaged,
but wasn’t there the smallest
amount of lackluster

when you nailed your man
to the edge of the bed
a liver for a liver
a lung for a lung
a spleen for a spleen
a heart for a heart?

what was i expecting,
i’m not sure
but something that would’ve taken
a bit longer to finish.

– yiqi 24 July 2021 5:44 pm

The opening credits sequence is the best part of the film, which probably isn’t the best compliment.  I have no regrets watching the film, and now as I type these words, I wonder if I’d have liked it more if Mads Mikkelsen were in it instead of Jason Statham.


pic creds: IMDB