Daily Archives: July 3, 2021

So You’ve Got Broken Wings

Kahlil Gibran once wrote in The Broken Wings:

It is said that unsophistication makes a man empty and that emptiness makes him carefree. It may be true among those born dead and who exist like frozen corpses; but the sensitive boy who feels much and knows little is the most unfortunate creature under the sun, because he is torn by two forces. The first elevates him and shows him the beauty of existence through a cloud of dreams; the second ties him down to the earth and fills his eyes with dust and overpowers him with fears and darkness.

Solitude has soft, silky hands, but with strong fingers it grasps the heart and makes it ache with sorrow. – Chapter One

The sorrowful spirit finds rest when united with a similar one…Hearts that are united through the medium of sorrow will not be separated by the glory of happiness.
– Chapter Four

It is wrong to think that love comes from long companionship and persevering courtship. Love is the offspring of spiritual affinity and unless that affinity is created in a moment, it will not be created in years or even generations. – Chapter Five

He was born at dawn and died at sunrise…
He was born like a thought and died like a sigh and disappeared like a shadow.
– Chapter Ten


Emmie introduced me to this very short tale of love, longing, and loss.

I’m not sure I agree with Gibran’s assertion that love can only come from near-instantaneous spiritual affinity rather than nurtured companionship and courtship.  Of course, an initial pull between both parties should be there of its own accord, but how many times have you found yourself enamored with and very well acquainted with someone you didn’t think much of at first?